[FRIAM] YIKES!: Coronavirus New Mexico numbers.xlsx

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Thu Apr 2 14:51:06 EDT 2020

Liminal comes to mind as well - from von Gennep's discussion of rights of passage. Separation (from all that was, including individual identity) Liminal (where all things are possible) Incorporation (reintegration into a new reality).

You are supposed to have a guide through the Liminal in order to avoid getting lost or Incorporation into the wrong thing. Kind of like the guide in the Bardo Thodol.

Socially we are definitely experiencing Separation. But if our only guide is past experience we are destined to a reincarnation of the same old same old (Glen's authoritarianism and other's corporate serfdom). The potential of the Liminal will be lost.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2020, at 10:55 AM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> My observation is that from Dickens' "best of times, worst of times". I think as an inflection/bifurcation point, many things are possible. "sensitive dependence on initial conditions". In the spirit of "creative visualization" and "self-fulfilling prophecies" there are risks and opportunities around being too paranoid or too pollyanna and opportunities around being creatively positive and thoughtfully wary. I think there is a quad-chart in there somewhere?

> "Svaha" is a word for "the time between the lightning and the thunder... when all things are possible". (alternately attributed to Native Americans, to old Norse, etc... but apparently coined by this book: https://www.amazon.com/Svaha-Charles-Lint/dp/0312876505 in the 90s... 

> And not to be confused with the much older Sanskrit *svāhā *which feels entertainingly relevant as well:
> ** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sv%C4%81h%C4%81

> On 4/2/20 9:42 AM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:
>> I've seen a few articles with titles like "Coronavirus is the death of Neoliberalism" or "... Capitalism" and whatnot. I'm skeptical. As much as I reject analogies between societal upheaval/collapse and phases of matter, I do believe in inflection points. My guess is that authoritarianism is what lies ahead of us on the other side of this inflection. We were already trending that way and I bet we'll continue. This inflection looks more like a minor rate change than anything fundamental.

This article was hopeful:

The coronavirus crisis has exposed the ugly truth about celebrity culture and capitalism 
>> https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/31/the-coronavirus-crisis-has-exposed-the-ugly-truth-about-celebrity-culture-and-capitalism

There's nothing more disgusting to me than our celebrity fetish. But this article was pessimistic:

Invisible man? Amid pandemic, Biden sidelined by omnipresent Trump
>> https://news.yahoo.com/invisible-man-amid-pandemic-biden-sidelined-omnipresent-trump-082411045.html

My faith in my fellow humans' *tastes* is always crushed. Everyone tends to flock to the least common denominator. (My primary objection to instant-runoff/ranked-choice voting and pop music, as well as overly reductive rating systems like Rotten Tomatoes, etc.) The "wisdom of crowds" is an oxymoron. >8^D

On 4/2/20 8:05 AM, Prof David West wrote:
>>> Governments cannot print and distribute money fast enough to prevent a major collapse of world economic order and concomitant social breakdown.
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