[FRIAM] SFI virtual workshop: After the Wave

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Apr 7 11:15:50 EDT 2020


I found Meyers' talks from the Fall which preceded (presaged?) this and
thought you had just linked those!  I'm glad to see our "big siblings on
the hill" are on this with full attention.

Did anyone else watch this 2 hour presentation?  I'm working my way
through it now in the background.

> I mentioned this on the close of Virtual Friam today:
> https://santafe.edu/news-center/news/after-first-wave-virtual-workshop-covid-19-pandemic 
> The first wave of COVID-19 is well underway, and social distancing
> will hopefully bend the curve downward (after far too high a price is
> paid). But what comes next? Under what circumstances and in what way
> can we lift quarantine? On March 31, five speakers from epidemiology
> and economics discussed strategies for both public health and economic
> recovery and answered questions from the SFI community. This was the
> first of multiple “lightning workshops” that will be convened to
> address this crisis.
> Speakers: Lauren Ancel Meyers, Integrative Biology, University of
> Texas, Austin; SFI Sara Del Valle, Los Alamos National Laboratory
> Caroline Buckee, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Rajiv
> Sethi, Economics, Barnard College, Columbia University; SFI Glen Weyl,
> Microsoft and RadicalxChange Foundation 
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Stephen.Guerin at Simtable.com <mailto:stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
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