[FRIAM] All models are wrong - modeling Covid-19

Eric Charles eric.phillip.charles at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 12:24:29 EDT 2020

Most of you probably know the site Five Thirty Eight, which emerged over
the last few election cycles as the top nerdy polling /
public-opinion-modeling site. Some of you know SMBC, which has spent quite
a few years towards the top of the pantheon of nerd comics. Well, the two
collaborated on a long-form comic explaining why it is so hard to get
stable models of Covid-19. It is really well done. If you have been
struggling to explain to people how models like this work and why they are
challenging, I highly recommend you try sharing this with them:


Eric P. Charles, Ph.D.
Department of Justice - Personnel Psychologist
American University - Adjunct Instructor
<echarles at american.edu>
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