[FRIAM] Coronavirus New Mexico numbers extended.xlsx

thompnickson2 at gmail.com thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 20:11:51 EDT 2020

Hi, all, 


There were no new cases  reported in Santa Fe today, where the doubling time
is now out to two weeks and still no deaths; statewide, we added 62 cases
for a total of 1407 and a doubling time of only 7 days.  Statewide deaths at
36 are doubling every 4 days.  


Today, Santa Fe hospital furloughed 300  people for lack of demand.  Not
enough corvid cases to stress the system, and everybody else avoiding the
hospital so there are few other admissions.  Today, also, the State put up
its new covid website with more pretty colors but not much more data,


There was one piece of data on that website that concerned me and I wish
some of you wiser heads would have a look at it, the hospital death rate.
There have been apparently only 181 hospital admissions for covid so that
the 36 deaths represents almost 20 percent of admissions.  To put it
bluntly, if you go into a new Mexico with covid, you only have a four in
five chance of coming out alive?  This compares with a Massachusetts number
of less than 95 percent or more.  This assumes, obviously, that most covid
deaths occur in hospitals.  It could simply be the case that more fatal
Mexican covid cases are getting to the hospital before the patient dies.   I
can see some reasons why this might happen, but also many that it wouldn't.
>From comparison plse see from  http://www.healthdata.org/covid/updates


Remember not to trust any of this.  I am a former English major. 



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