[FRIAM] All models are wrong - modeling Covid-19

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 12:45:20 EDT 2020

Or, your free will is nothing but randomness. 

When we took Renee's granddaughter to the UK last year, I made some comment suggesting I doubted she would ever respond violently to a mugger (all the girls, being typical Americans who rarely travel to foreign countries and, hence, suffer an implicit xenophobia, were afraid of some of the alleys in Newcastle). She looked up at me and said "You don't know me" with that hilarious cuteness riding atop mysterious girlpower that's a recognizable trope in most modern narratives. (Think "Liza" in Transferts https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6531888/mediaviewer/rm2036883456.)

I was forced to admit it's true. I don't know her or what the next bit in her sequence will produce.

On 4/16/20 9:30 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Well, I love the idea that all the QM hocus pocus could just boil down to round off.   Your "free will" is truncation error.  Oops.   (Funny contrast with the last episode of Devs.) 

☣ uǝlƃ

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