[FRIAM] whackadoodles go mainstream!

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Apr 20 14:03:14 EDT 2020

With HIV there are people that can control the virus and have immunity for practical purposes. [1]   Whether or not there are co-morbidities, if one has a strong signal like B*5701 for HIV, it should come out in the statistical wash.  Not everyone with a particular HLA will have the same co-morbidity.    Anyway, back to the whackadoodle topic:  If that is the case, and one had a detailed knowledge of the genetics (e.g. ethnicity) of a target population,  one could design a virus to hurt some more than others.   But if one is a fascist, it is very easy as you point out:  You make everyone sick and the people with health care or he means to stay isolated will tend to survive.    I'm not saying that is  the case here, I'm just saying maybe it isn't actually impossible.  


On 4/20/20, 10:47 AM, "Friam on behalf of uǝlƃ ☣" <friam-bounces at redfish.com on behalf of gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

    Well, there seems to be a tendency to identify 1 comorbidity (or complicating situation). But that misses the forest. I wonder at our inability to distinguish cases (and their trajectories) from deaths (and their history). Focusing on any single comorbidity will bias you to thinking COVID-19 is varied or complicated. What we need to do to understand COVID-19 as its own illness is to study those *without* comorbidities.
    This blurb hints at the real problem fairly well:
    "2. What are the common comorbidities associated with severe COVID-19 in US?
    [...] Of 184 fatal cases, 94% were among persons with one or more major comorbidity."
    From: https://ari.ucsf.edu/news-and-events/news-alerts/covid-19-task-force-updates
    But this is nothing new and not at all surprising. One's prognosis for *any* life threatening condition centers around what *else* is going on. Even in something as obtuse as chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, or cancer, your likelihood of surviving or developing coping strategies depends fundamentally on what *else* is going on in your life. If anything, it looks to me like COVID-19 is the comorbidity for those *other* things.
    On 4/20/20 10:30 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
    > There are apparently a large set of silent spreaders, and then in-between cases like this:
    > https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/19/entertainment/nick-cordero-coronavirus-leg-amputation-trnd/index.html    https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/19/health/coronavirus-diary-sickness-brooke-baldwin/index.html
    > It's all over the place in terms of severity.    No objection that baseline health and access to healthcare are major factors, but it isn't like all 80 years are struck down.  
    ☣ uǝlƃ
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