[FRIAM] IS: "...useful". WAS:: whackadoodles go mainstream!

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 17:18:44 EDT 2020

This is useful:


> But what really fascinates me about all this is Wood’s suggestion for WHY a man of Vaucanson’s genius was so enthralled by mechanical duck defecation. In addition to proving both popular and lucrative (it scored him a gig designing looms for the King of France), Vaucanson was a man of troubled bowels.

As for distinguishing between one ideal Peirce and another ideal Peirce, I have time, but regard that as a useless thing to do. Ideals are great time wasters. I'd rather choose 1 thing Peirce did and try to use it. I've long wanted to try to use existential graphs, for example.

On 4/20/20 2:09 PM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> So, Peirce had many ideas of Peirce and we could be in love with different ones.  
> Do you have time to distinguish between your idea of Pierce  and My idea of Peirce as regards the digestion of metal ducks?  
> I am realizing the problem might be with my understanding of the metal duck example.  I took at as a kind of cranky, idiosyncratic project, like my desire to take apart a 25 year old fm radio and get it working again.  You might have meant it in a much more profound sense, a sense in which you use your study of the digestion of metal ducks as a part of a systematic inquiry into the nature of life.  In that case, you are right, Peirce would definitely have approved and I have slandered you both. 

☣ uǝlƃ

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