[FRIAM] whackadoodles go mainstream!

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Mon Apr 20 17:23:57 EDT 2020

Good article to have on hand; thanks Glen.

You guys know this organism, right?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leucochloridium_paradoxum <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leucochloridium_paradoxum>
Have I posted it to the list before?  Look through the lifecycle, and particularly the video.  The sort of extravagant, flamboyant cruelty to invent something like this is what makes it stand out to me.  More lurid than Glen’s pictures of hands with holes, for what bothers me.

When I try to get the right mental metaphor for the parasite class, who will work to make the country worse and less-capable of doing _anything_ functional and needed, this is the model that most nearly comes to mind for me.

Once the snails are infected, having the sun come up to remind them to hide doesn’t do anything, because they can’t see any more.  That’s what we somehow have to figure out how to deal with.

> On Apr 21, 2020, at 1:00 AM, uǝlƃ ☣ <gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:
> Covid-19 Speculation Goes From Margin to Center
> https://fair.org/home/covid-19-speculation-goes-from-margin-to-center/
> -- 
> ☣ uǝlƃ
> .-. .- -. -.. --- -- -..-. -.. --- - ... -..-. .- -. -.. -..-. -.. .- ... .... . ...
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