[FRIAM] Fwd: Freedom: Sarte v Camus

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Fri Apr 24 15:55:15 EDT 2020

Interesting contrast between two P(p)hilosophers (and friends) on the
topic of Freedom... a little dated but maybe good background on
contemplating our current paradox of "what means Freedom?"

    ‘Absolute freedom is the right of the strongest to dominate,’ Camus
    wrote, while ‘absolute justice is achieved by the suppression of all
    contradiction: therefore it destroys freedom.’ The conflict between
    justice and freedom required constant re-balancing, political
    moderation, an acceptance and celebration of that which limits the
    most: our humanity. ‘To live and let live,’ he said, ‘in order to
    create what we are.’

    Sartre read /The Rebel /with disgust. As far as he was concerned,
    it /was/ possible to achieve perfect justice and freedom – that
    described the achievement of communism. Under capitalism, and in
    poverty, workers could not be free. Their options were unpalatable
    and inhumane: to work a pitiless and alienating job, or to die. But
    by removing the oppressors and broadly returning autonomy to the
    workers, communism allows each individual to live without material
    want, and therefore to choose how best they can realise themselves.
    This makes them free, and through this unbending equality, it is
    also just.



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