[FRIAM] COVID-19 Global Response Index

Tom Johnson tom at jtjohnson.com
Thu Aug 13 19:03:56 EDT 2020

COVID-19 Global Response Index
by Sabrina I. Pacifici <https://www.bespacific.com/author/sabrina/> on Aug
12, 2020

*  [Spoiler – Not – The U.S. ranks 31st out of 36 countries in its
assessment of government responses to COVID-19]  From FP Analytics:* A
country-by-country assessment of government responses to the pandemic
<https://globalresponseindex.foreignpolicy.com/?>. As governments around
the world continue to grapple with the pandemic, FP Analytics has developed
the *COVID-19 Global Response Index* to track countries’ responses to the
novel coronavirus according to key metrics. While country rankings have
been published by other organizations and publications, the Index is the
first effort to track national leaders’ responses in critical policy areas,
including public health directives, financial responses, and fact-based
public communications—and is doing so on an ongoing basis. FPA’s *COVID-19
Global Response Index* covers an initial set of 36 countries, including G20
nations as well as several other developing and middle-income countries
that experts and epidemiologists have identified as having notable
experiences with respect to COVID-19. This group represents an initial set
of countries for which there is reasonably robust data availability as well
as global geographic distribution and socio-economic and political
diversity. While notable gaps in data and reporting remain, this Index
endeavors to provide a framework to track government responses across
multiple categories and will continue to be refined and expanded as more
consistently tracked and disaggregated datasets become available and
understanding of the virus can inform further Index weighting…” [Spoiler –
Not – The U.S. ranks 31st out of 36 countries in its assessment of
government responses to COVID-19]

Tom Johnson - tom at jtjohnson.com
Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
*NM Foundation for Open Government* <http://nmfog.org>
*Check out It's The People's Data

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