[FRIAM] Curmudgeons Unite!

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Sun Aug 16 18:29:24 EDT 2020

This is both beautiful and just, Jon.

What’s the next action item, because surely you are right.


> On Aug 17, 2020, at 3:35 AM, jon zingale <jonzingale at gmail.com> wrote:
> Please excuse the Cassandrafreude, but here we are nearly 7 months later and
> we now have the app, it is called the U.S Postal Service. Will the app
> manage to escape any of Dave's points of critique? It is beginning to occur
> to me that manifesting beside the rise of bad-faith science (bogus climate
> studies supporting denial, bogus pharmaceutical trials, and the like) comes
> a reactionary position to increasingly support inaction as the path of moral
> high-ground, in the face of incomplete knowledge. While some may believe
> this strategy to be 'correct', it leaves bad-faith actors to make the big
> moves while the purists hole up, finding themselves besieged and confined to
> ivory towers. What remains of the republic is at risk and not just at the
> hands of those that seek to dismantle it, but also by those too paralyzed by
> the righteousness of certainty to protect it. Somehow, I would have much
> preferred to find myself complaining in November about the failures of a
> first-gen voting app than whining about losing another of our critical
> institutions as we cower in the post-democratic apocalypse.
> --
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