[FRIAM] Myth of the Given

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Thu Aug 20 18:09:31 EDT 2020

Derrida is the "pure mathematician" of text. Doesn't make him right or meaningful, but he makes for some interesting abstract games. His text is second only to Foucalt in its impenetrability


On Thu, Aug 20, 2020, at 3:55 PM, jon zingale wrote:
> I rather liked his characterization of Derrida's work as *all is text*, and
> that the best we can do from the privileged perspective of logos is to
> compare descriptions.
> [1] "As analytic philosophers might prefer to put it, thought and language
> are capable of determining things only up to isomorphism".
> [2] "If that's right, there's no principled difference between describing
> reality and describing a system of signs, a text, language itself".
> Through the lens of Lawvere's fixed point theorem, I am compelled to think
> of Derrida's idea as Godel incompleteness for logos itself:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NddnaeZ03JE
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