[FRIAM] Curmudgeons Unite!

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Aug 20 22:34:38 EDT 2020

EricS -
> So it’s not for the US today, but the thing that put Scott Boorman on
> the map (and fairly quickly got him installed in Yale), was an attempt
> to be a bit systematic and disciplined, and commit to some specific
> interpretations, for Mao and the infludnence of Go on military
> strategy across much of Asia, and on the consequences for
> misunderstanding and non-sequitur responses in West/East conflict zones:
> https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Scott-Boorman/dp/0195014936

Excellent!  I shall add learning Japanese to learning Go to my bucket
list <grin>...

or just reading:  https://www.amazon.com/Scott-Boorman/dp/0195014936

I like the book-blurb about the US thinking it was playing Chess when in
fact it was///Wei-Ch’i (also known as Go)/.   Back home, it looked to me
like the politicians were playing Checkers, expecting to sacrifice the
board of Pawns tactically to "win"  and many of us being fitted for our
"cannon fodder" Pawn-costumes were playing "hell NO, I won't GO" or
"hell YES! Ho Gung HO!", ending up as cannon-fodder (body-bag or
tarNfeather draft-dodger suit nonetheless.

This past 4 years has felt like a recurring nightmare game of
Tic-Tac-Toe even though we know the best outcome is a cat's-game unless
your opponent makes a stupid mistake, but then letting said opponent
(DT) flip the board every time he's about to lose (change the subject of
the headlines this cycle with an outrageous tweet/order/act).

Flipping Tables / (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ | Know Your Meme.


- SteveS

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