[FRIAM] Myth of the Given

Eric Charles eric.phillip.charles at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 21:25:15 EDT 2020

---You can't take "as if P" seriously without taking P seriously.---

It's not what I'm taking seriously, though, right? I don't doubt that the
authors in question take textual interpretation seriously (and come from a
tradition of taking textual interpretation seriously). I also don't doubt
that the methods they developed in that context can provide insights in
other contexts. But that doesn't make those other contexts into texts.

(See also how today's discussion about applying poker to understand
political and business situations doesn't mean those situations *are*
<echarles at american.edu>

On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 12:07 PM glen∉ℂ <gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

> That's ridiculous! >8^D You can't take "as if P" seriously without taking
> P seriously. What you'll end up with are spies and moles, bad faith actors,
> pretending to argue but really just building strawmen and hiding in the
> corners of the conversation trying to sabotage any good faith attempts to
> find the truth.
> On 8/21/20 8:28 AM, Eric Charles wrote:
> > A totally sensible position: "We can treat just about anything /_as if_/
> it is text, and given the sophistication of our ability to deal with text,
> that should lead to some insights."
> >
> > A totally bullshit position that no one should ever have tolerated for a
> minute: "Everything is text."
> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
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