[FRIAM] Curmudgeons Unite!

glen∉ℂ gepropella at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 12:06:02 EDT 2020

Hm. I'm not intentionally doing that. But if you're unwilling to address the concerns I'm trying to raise, then there's not much else I can do. Accusations of libel are a tad more serious than misattribution or strawman. Nice brinkmanship! >8^D

On 8/23/20 8:56 AM, jon zingale wrote:
> It is a bit frustrating to see so many misattributions to my writing in your
> posts. It is ok if you don't grok what I am saying, but please do not
> misattribute. Many of your criticisms were already addressed in the writing.
> For instance, I am not suggesting a homogenized replacement of the current
> voting system. There are many other misattributions and really I don't have
> the time to keep up with the libel. To the extent that you are disagreeing
> with an abstracted model of me in your own mind, carry on.

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