[FRIAM] wackos

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Tue Dec 1 15:46:47 EST 2020

< If RWW are an alien species, ala Martians, then conversation/dialog/exchange might be quite useful and even beneficial — the SciFi trope of "look how much we could learn from someone with such a different perspective." An alternative SciFi trope: "we can never understand each other so we must be implacable enemies and seek to annihilate each other;" is also possible. (Unfortunately, I think the second trope is far more descriptive of the majority of left-vs-right rhetoric these days.) >

RWWs are on Mars now?   Let us begin terraforming with all haste!
I really don’t know where many of the people on this list are, and really it doesn’t matter.
I imagine a meat space meeting would resemble the Mos Eisley Cantina.


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