[FRIAM] Fwd: Arriving in the US from Australia during Covid was like walking through the looking glass

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Dec 8 11:34:41 EST 2020

Fellow (mostly) Liberalish, professionaI-class Elite(sh) FriAMfriends-

Ioffer this with a grain of capsaicin-salt to rub in the wound of our
modern existential dilemma:  meaning that what with Chris Hedges'
familiar depressing snark, not everyone might be able to afford to read
the following...  Reader Beware:

the Collective Suicide of the Liberal Class

I find it rather sobering and something worth studying as the raging
voice of the Whitelash Evangelical Right returns to an angry grumble... 
"we the woke/enlightened/etc" need to police our own bought-out
corruption in the same way many of us stood back and marveled that
nobody curbed the worst excesses of (for example) Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld
and then more transparently Trump et-al.  

I don't subscribe to the full snark of Hedges, but that doesn't mean he
is wrong (just snarky?).   I'd be just as happy to let those who eagerly
invited Biden/Harris into the White House revel in the pushing back of
the Authoritarian Right before I started trying to kick the feet out
from under the (comparatively benign?) newcomers, but then I'm not Chris

RE: SpaceX... I don't think there will be room on any of Musk's rocket
ships for anyone (except him or other bazillionaires) over 40...

- Steve

> It’s enough to make one get up and leave!   (Launch in 7 minutes?)
> https://www.spacex.com/vehicles/starship/index.html
> <https://www.spacex.com/vehicles/starship/index.html>
> *From:* Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 8, 2020 3:54 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> <friam at redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Fwd: Arriving in the US from Australia during
> Covid was like walking through the looking glass
> One of the commentators spun quite a good turn of phrase.  I think I
> want to write it here so I have a record and can go back and find it
> when I want it:
> The pandemic is like a mirror held up to society showing the ugliness
> of the powerful, the beauty of those trying to fight it, the naivety
> of many believing dogma and rumour ahead of science but most clearly
> reflected, is the pain and hopelessness of the poor
> EricS
>     On Dec 7, 2020, at 6:16 PM, Tom Johnson <tom at jtjohnson.com
>     <mailto:tom at jtjohnson.com>> wrote:
>     Oh, how I wish Americans weren't so stupid.
>     ============================================
>     Tom Johnson - tom at jtjohnson.com
>     <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cloudhq-mkt9.net%2fmail_track%2flink%2f4410a7540f47d2fc72_1607383068799%3fuid%3d226430%26url%3dmailto%253Atom%2540jtjohnson.com&c=E,1,m9v0ZL68z_i5skktpm90KVRXh5bqNCQ0voaRZcMqOTh3kIp3VxRm97CvhOHWLOMvVjT9RAuxR9q-wuAWFpinrR74HbGVyUdq1q-thoIs5kZ4LBfTtz0,&typo=1>
>     Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
>     505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
>     *NM Foundation for Open Government*
>     <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cloudhq-mkt9.net%2fmail_track%2flink%2f4410a7540f47d2fc72_1607383068799%3fuid%3d226430%26url%3dhttp%253A%252F%252Fnmfog.org&c=E,1,7QTyOekLqOuxSXD8DevR4w2P4M-FH0ZVcETExW0rAlErrdZyctIYggSfiYnjOEMunL-sW5E12DPDTEiXwYAx_yhMhz9jy52c8yk9TgRrwDKEMQ,,&typo=1>
>     *Check out It's The People's Data
>     <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cloudhq-mkt9.net%2fmail_track%2flink%2f4410a7540f47d2fc72_1607383068799%3fuid%3d226430%26url%3dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.facebook.com%252Fpages%252FIts-The-Peoples-Data%252F1599854626919671&c=E,1,P6oa27LcOYwOIx4aUdlxdklcmODiI5A_sv_J2wWeeK9jNipPZdZlnvf18twy1KMbRWKLskeWh5LqTECs1EFAn2HOkFbkIxjfg86R9-HqQ3B5kiFrNM2QkrHD&typo=1>* 
>     ============================================
>     ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>     From: *Dorothy Bracey* <dhbracey at comcast.net
>     <mailto:dhbracey at comcast.net>>
>     Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 3:15 PM
>     Subject: Fwd: Arriving in the US from Australia during Covid was
>     like walking through the looking glass
>     To: Tom Johnson <tom at jtjohnson.com <mailto:tom at jtjohnson.com>>
>     depressing
>     ==============================
>     Dorothy H. Bracey -- Santa Fe, NM US 
>     dorothy at dorothybracey.com <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cloudhq-mkt9.net%2fmail_track%2flink%2f4410a7540f47d2fc72_1607383068799%3fuid%3d226430%26url%3dmailto%253Adorothy%2540dorothybracey.com&c=E,1,ysGKZ6YOsoi1n2u9VKAHv2_S6lc-eqM7ZMyT2aF4BLfbWjIjPn6d5O9DY2xvop6z2YtcRpdBr01wnzU576BEK49n7783sE_a9osCVJltg3gKr7THicM,&typo=1> 
>     ==============================
>         ---------- Original Message ----------
>         From: Sylvia Tiersten <dedlinesyl at gmail.com
>         <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cloudhq-mkt9.net%2fmail_track%2flink%2f4410a7540f47d2fc72_1607383068799%3fuid%3d226430%26url%3dmailto%253Adedlinesyl%2540gmail.com&c=E,1,psNv6MCYDZaEC5T23BUksprHsh9ENfzveAOjtutVD0ca_ogQA50qb7V-VdXWqPXOx67tkWy4opTuU6WSXxiVGlQHF54j83JM0GD2F5IZxK-BgarPsaUK1ULtfg,,&typo=1>>
>         To:
>         Date: 12/07/2020 3:19 AM
>         Subject: Arriving in the US from Australia during Covid was
>         like walking through the looking glass
>         Read the comments too. It’s all pretty chilling. One of them
>         that really got to me is:
>         “I can’t begin to imagine what it’s like to be Canadian and
>         have the US as a neighbor.” 
>         Sylvia
>         Arriving in the US from Australia during Covid was like
>         walking through the looking glass
>         https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/07/arriving-in-the-us-from-australia-during-covid-was-like-walking-through-the-looking-glass?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
>         <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cloudhq-mkt9.net%2fmail_track%2flink%2f4410a7540f47d2fc72_1607383068799%3fuid%3d226430%26url%3dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.theguardian.com%252Fcommentisfree%252F2020%252Fdec%252F07%252Farriving-in-the-us-from-australia-during-covid-was-like-walking-through-the-looking-glass%253FCMP%253DShare_iOSApp_Other&c=E,1,3YyR0qXM_zd6Ft1BU3IzHoGgxDqVJuoAqqESk28quDNewY7dBMS78xDY30BH_dIUujVFgShwEIWvFfJkRROvMOVZUMiaJKsyDl8H8nKjeBIBJ8c6huA3&typo=1>
>         Sylvia Tiersten
>         Dedlinesyl at gmail.com
>         <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cloudhq-mkt9.net%2fmail_track%2flink%2f4410a7540f47d2fc72_1607383068799%3fuid%3d226430%26url%3dmailto%253ADedlinesyl%2540gmail.com&c=E,1,mVRwyHBhH1ggyKotPxMuCmYagodwVvghs_dLVDJJFCf_3gsIDoR7M2SPk-39Nqk26sUFXlD1C7Sp0pYX-H-PM-FhowXfFWKDyve4oTjw19o,&typo=1>
>         619-871-9291 (mobile)
>     - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
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