[FRIAM] Constitution Drafting Project

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Sat Dec 12 11:57:19 EST 2020


I assume you are using the in the modern metaphor/euphemism sense (masturbation/coitus interuptus) but it made me think about words, words, words that reflected the actual "sin" of Onan — which was pure and simple theft. 

Words placed in front of you, like this text, could be an act of thievery on my part; as I am 'stealing' your attention and time if they manage to seduce you into musing about them.

seductive words might also take us into the biblical realm of adultery which was also a property crime with nothing to do with sex.


On Thu, Dec 10, 2020, at 10:01 AM, uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ wrote:
> Thoughts on the National Constitution Center's "Constitution Drafting 
> Project"
> https://reason.com/volokh/2020/12/09/thoughts-on-the-national-constitution-centers-constitution-drafting-project/
> I had no idea such a project was underway! Though it's possible I 
> learned about it and simply forgot. I *feel* like I should have been 
> aware of it, given the number of productive arguments I've had about 
> the electoral college over the past 4 years.
> In particular, I am ignorant of the American Constitution Society 
> <https://www.acslaw.org/>, as a "living constitution" complement to the 
> Federalist Society (or at least that's they way Somin describes it. I 
> haven't yet read the Atlantic article he links to ... words, words, 
> words ... so many words. Which words extend out into the world and 
> which words are mere Onanism?
> -- 
> ↙↙↙ uǝlƃ
> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
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