[FRIAM] if by 'populism' he meant ...

⛧ glen gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 11:51:10 EST 2020

Well, Long is one example of a large set of one type of populism, characterized mostly by rhetorical opportunism. Unlike Trump, though, Long had what might be considered a mix between an actual basis for the separation of normies from elites ... mixed with opportunist fomenting of an extant delusion. So IMO, Long's mixed status is not a good case upon which to found a criticism of my idea that it's a psychogenic illness. But Bernie might be.

On December 24, 2020 8:27:29 AM PST, Frank Wimberly <wimberly3 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I'm not well-informed enough to write such a counterpoint.  I know a
>certain amount about Long.  He seems to to me like a Frankenstein
>combination of Sanders and Trump without the money. 
glen ⛧

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