[FRIAM] if by 'populism' he meant ...

glen∉ℂ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 15:24:10 EST 2020

Well, that sounds quite similar to Steve's "mobacracy". Do you see that as different?

FWIW, the definition I think is mostly right is any particular ideology that separates society into 2 groups, ordinary people and *corrupted* elites. The important part is that the particular ideologies grouped as populist may not share *any* other similarity, only that they separate into normies vs. corrupt elites. That collection of ideologies isn't an ideology in itself... it's more like a set of behaviors, which is why Marcus' criticism seems to work so well. So, it may not be ideological at all. And in Trump's case, it may not even be strategic, just an ad hoc set of tactics or pre-existing behaviors that he learned by chance and that happened to route him into his role as the Cheeto Jesus.

On 12/24/20 8:56 AM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> "Being guided in your choice of policies primarily by the roar of the crowd in front of you.  Or the twitter feed."

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