[FRIAM] Curmudgeons Unite!

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Sun Feb 9 14:44:03 EST 2020

Nick writes:

“Do you have a model in mind? “

Optimistically, the Democrats retake the executive branch and the Senate and extend the Supreme Court.

If that doesn’t happen, well, it could be time to make some decisions.  As of 2017, the top 25 metropolitan areas in the US make up 50% of the US GDP compared to about 10% for non-metro areas. [1]  One way to bring Trump country to its knees, the 10%, is to do what Trump country people want, cut federal taxes.  With federal tax relief, local taxes could be raised to do the things that cities need to do.  In the Bay Area, for example, two needs among many are to build more affordable housing and to increase the safety of the energy distribution system.   Navigating potentially oppressive new federal employment law by sanctuary states might be accomplished with creative use of ITINs or state authority over death records.  The workforce is needed and it isn’t fair to not give people fair standing, including as voters.  Planning for the collapse of Social Security and Medicare will be hard, but honestly I’ve pretty much written off getting either.   In the near term scenario of fascists in charge in Washington, Democrats should still pour on the vitriol of entitlements to exacerbate the debt load, while at a state level creating other contingencies.   There will need to be real crisis to put an end to the electoral college.  I am confident Republican leadership can achieve a spectacular crisis, but it will be important to prepare for it.

[1] https://www.statista.com/chart/18684/us-cities-by-gdp/
[2] https://www.citylab.com/equity/2017/06/immigration-wages-economics/530301/
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