[FRIAM] on stupidity

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Sat Feb 15 14:41:09 EST 2020

Marcus -
> <   I tend to agree with your intuition that something that seems
>     egregiously "stupid" might well simply be registered in a different
>     basis space...  or more aptly "a different value system".   >
> Indeed, like a provincial value system.   One that optimizes for local interests in ignorance or indifference to interests of anyone else.   Even if the magnitude of their eigenvalue is tiny by comparison. 

I think I am arguing for recognizing /parochial/  (qualitative) as well
as /provincial (quantitative) /scoping errors. 

This article
is not the precise argument I am looking for, but it does generally
reflect one that I encountered a few years ago which I think suggested
that not only do Conservatives hold Authority/Ingroup/Purity *higher* 
than Fairness and a very close 2nd,3rd,4th to Harm, but that they tend
to experience Authority/Ingroup/Purity as something more like
Loyalty/Honor.   Both this article and the line of argument I can't
precisely remember/find seemed to suggest that Liberals ethics were
*simpler* than  Conservatives which I think is vaguely specious?



- Steve

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