[FRIAM] A longer response to Dave's question

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Feb 24 16:40:16 EST 2020

Steve writes:

< I personally use computer-mediated perception (including simulation models and visual-auditory-haptic synthetic sensoria) to try to achieve this expanded awareness/insight into real-world phenomena, but with a tacit goal of being able to "find my way back" and "lead someone else there", or better yet "kit others out to find their own way". >

I categorize things into four piles:

  1.  Things I understand
  2.  Things I’d like to understand
  3.  Things I don’t care about
  4.  Things I found I was wrong about in #3.

#1 has to get over the bar of Feynman’s “What I cannot create I do not understand.”   And specifically, I mean write a computer program to do it.    I often don’t have patience for or interest in semi-formal discussions, or even most mathematical academic communication because it often falls short of what it would take to make it computable, useful, and informative.  For them it is performative and part of their professional social interaction.  They have different interests and goals.

#4 is where chemical-induced experiences or dreams seem potentially useful.     Something to escalate priority of #3 items to #2; a way to avoid my filtering criteria.   Like a movie I would never watch unless some friends had it on.


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