[FRIAM] speaking of drugs

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 11:46:01 EST 2020

Belgian woman dies after taking sip of MDMA-laced wine

I've succumbed to fake news before. I can't find the article, but there was some hype by some startup chip maker claiming some outrageous computational speed. I fell for it. My optimism beat out my doubt. Since that very embarrassing episode, before I ever even dreamed an empty Celebrity like Trump would benefit from Russian disinformation campaigns, I've been pretty suspicious of any news, especially anything coming out of Silly Valley.

Given that, I can't help but wonder about the above article. MDMA isn't as safe as psilocybin or LSD. But it's relatively safe. Transporting concentrated mdma in wine bottles seems like a risky move for a drug trafficker. If it was concentrated enough to kill her after only a "little sip", somebody's head should roll within the trafficker's value chain. But, then again, anyone who combines "100% against drugs" with the consumption of wine probably can't be trusted to be accurate about how big a "sip" she really had.

Of course, this is yet another reason to make your own beer/wine/cider at your house ... thank you Jimmy Carter! Spirits are a different thing, though. Back in PDX, a bunch of friends brought their homemade whiskies, vodkas, and whatnot to a ping-pong party, happily trusting each other to have done it right ... That's a big "No thank you, man" for me. Give me the wisdom of the microbes over distillation tech any day of the week.

☣ uǝlƃ

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