[FRIAM] MicroBit

Paige Prescott paigeaprescott at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 12:41:42 EST 2020

It's one of the best learning tools out there that combines computer
science, engineering and creativity at a very affordable price.  There are
teachers in Santa Fe and Española that are starting to use them in their
classes.  Having input and support from a community of professionals that
affirms their use would be great.  Hopefully there will be some kid
microbit projects at the SFPS Innovation Expo on Feb. 13th.

If you can think of ways to support the teachers and students to use these
microbits, let me know.  I think it would be helpful for them to have
people in the community that can help them get beyond some of the tutorials
and into some more sophisticated applications.  Workshops? Meetups? Expos?


On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 10:28 AM Angel Edward <edward.angel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I wasn’t there last Friday. I have six microbits and 5 microbit robot
> cars. I’ve programmed them all from the microbit makecode website using
> block coding. Easy and fun.
> Ed
> __________
> Ed Angel
> Founding Director, Art, Research, Technology and Science Laboratory (ARTS
> Lab)
> Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of New Mexico
> 1017 Sierra Pinon
> Santa Fe, NM 87501
> 505-984-0136 (home)   edward.angel at gmail.com
> 505-453-4944 (cell)  http://www.cs.unm.edu/~angel
> On Jan 9, 2020, at 10:02 AM, Owen Densmore <owen at backspaces.net> wrote:
> This is the tiny, but feature packed, chip we discussed at Saveur last
> week: https://microbit.org/guide/features/. Great learning tool.
> It is surprisingly capable .. it can "chat" to other microbits .. let them
> "swarm". It is programmable with "blocks", python, javascript.
>> 25 individually-programmable LEDs
>> 2 programmable buttons
>> Physical connection pins
>> Light and temperature sensors
>> Motion sensors (accelerometer and compass)
>> Wireless Communication, via Radio and Bluetooth
>> USB interface
> You use a browser based simulator to write programs, loading them to the
> microbit via usb cable. A $20 starter package has the microbit, a usb
> cable, and a battery pack for using the microbit disconnected from your
> computer.
>   https://www.amazon.com/micro-bit-BBC2546862-Micro-go/dp/B01G8X7VM2/
>    -- Owen
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*Paige Prescott*
CSTA-NM <https://cstanm.org/> President
UNM OILS <https://oils.unm.edu/> PhD student
Facilitator- Code.org <http://code.org/> & Project GUTS
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