[FRIAM] fires in AU, WAS :Comcast blows! who else does legit internet in town.

thompnickson2 at gmail.com thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 17:59:07 EST 2020

Hi, Russ, 


Thanks for that report.  


What is it with the RabidRightWing pandemic?!!  I suppose I have been
ill-educated in some important way, but nothing in my 70 year intellectual
history has prepared me to understand how fascist ideology could once again
spread ... like wildfire ... across the world.  


Do we need to deploy fire suppression analogies ... ideological fire breaks,
forest floor clean up, forest thinning, limited burns.   I hate to think of
it.  Or, as one FRIAM member proposes, should we just let it burn.


We are having at wettish year
YGRAPH&timeseries=Daily&format=plot&sitenum=922&interval=WATERYEAR> , here
in Santa Fe, so far.  But as you see, the curve is starting to bend over,
and I wouldn't be surprised if we fell short again.  








Nicholas Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology

Clark University

ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com




-----Original Message-----
From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Russell Standish
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2020 2:56 PM
To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group' <friam at redfish.com>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] fires in AU, WAS :Comcast blows! who else does legit
internet in town.


On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 10:10:24AM -0700,  <mailto:thompnickson2 at gmail.com>
thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:

> Yes, Russ4, please give a sense of how things are from your point of view.
Australia is one of the places that we think of going when things get
really, REALLY, R E A L L Y bad here.  


> Nick 



Sort of like Nevil Shute's "On the Beach" I suppose. BTW my

grandfather actually knew him (by his real name Nevil

Norway). Actually looking up Nevil's wikipedia entry, they probably

were nearly neighbours. My grandfather lived just outside Pearcedale,

and Nevil's last years were spent at Langwarrin, the next district to

the North. They probably knew each other through the farming

community, and both being ex-Poms.


Back to the bushfires - these are like nothing anyone here has

experienced before. Whilst we've had bad fires before, they've all

been limited in both time and space. Bad for the people affected of

course, but generally forgotten about by the general population within

weeks. This is different. I would hazard a guess that more than 50% of

the population is affected, either directly or indirectly by poor air

quality. It has become a way of life to check the air quality app

before venturing outside, whether to go to work, shopping or

exercise. The smoke has even made its way across the Tasman and

affected some New Zealand cities. The only thing comparable I think

would be the 1997 Kalimantan fires in SE Asia.


Of course this was predicted as a consequence of climate change, that

we'd have increased drought and fires. And of course, our elected

buffoons are cut from the same cloth as the ones you have in the

US. Ten years ago, Australia had one of the first carbon taxes in the

world. Not really significant economically, and unlikely to have much

effect on fossil fuel use, but at least symbolically useful. That was

torn up by the conservative government elected on a platform of "there

is no climate change, burn baby burn". We've had a decade of

head-in-the-sand politics, with the energy industry screaming for some

policy certainty with respect to roll out of renewables and the

like. Instead, we get the government pleading with coal fired power

station operators to keep such stations open when the operators

decided to end-of-life them. It's madness.


And when given the clear choice between explicit policies to change

the energy infrastructure, not open new coal mines and some other

(fairly mild ISTM) tinkering around the edges of the tax system, and

on the other side "we have no policies, but watch out for Bill shock"

(yes the opposition leader was called Bill), people chose the "we have

no policies" government. Elections these days (perhaps always were)

simply a popularity contest, not a rational decision.


What is really disgusting is that once back in power, the PM actively

refused to meet with the fire chiefs back in April, who were warning

him of a bad upcoming bushfire season. Well I guess the ostrich got

his bum bitten by a lion. The silver lining in all of this is that

these fires affected so much of the population, that that should

fortify the PM to tell his rabid right wing to put a sock in it, and

proceed to develop policies for how to deal with climate change. IMHO,

the boat sailed 30 years ago for actually preventing climate change -

the best we can do is mitigate or slow it down, and secondly adapt.


Anyway - my opinion, but one that I suspect is currently quite widely






Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)

Principal, High Performance Coders      <mailto:hpcoder at hpcoders.com.au>
hpcoder at hpcoders.com.au





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