[FRIAM] Austriallia is on fire chat here

Russell Standish lists at hpcoders.com.au
Fri Jan 10 18:08:01 EST 2020

On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 03:39:16PM -0700, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> Rus the news  here is really hard to sort out whats typical DOOM DEATH
> DESTRUCTION...are you and yours safe? Do you know if you'd be going to NZ or
> the US if need be for saftey reasons?

Its not as bad as that. The people in Syria have it far worse! A
number of people have lost their lives, of course, and an incredible
10,000 or so homes lost, but the community is rallying.

A friend once described our house as the last one left standing in
Sydney - we're perched on a cliff, overlooking the ocean, some 30+
metres above sea level (I think we'd survive anything short of total
collapse of the East Antarctic ice sheet.

> and how's the beer there? that's the question I suspect fam would like to know
> if they considered Aus?

Pretty similar to the US, I suspect. We have quite a few
microbreweries now, a good choice of craft ales, a far cry from when I
was a young bloke, when we had a choice of two fairly similarly tasting

What really is excellent (and cheap) are Aussie wines.


Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders     hpcoder at hpcoders.com.au

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