[FRIAM] Fwd: NO LANL IN SANTA FE! Wednesday, 12; 00 outside SF City Hall; bring friends

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 16:05:39 EST 2020

I worked at CMU for 20 years.  When I moved to Santa Fe it occurred to me
that a branch campus in Santa Fe might be a possibility.  CMU's strongest
programs and in engineering and science (not surprisingly) and fine arts
(perhaps surprising to some) but with growing excellence in humanities and
social sciences.  I thought this would be synergistic with Santa Fe given
the national labs and the arts culture.  I went into much more detail than
that as I consulted with several senior faculty there, including George
Duncan and Mark Kamlet, then provost.  Mark said it was an interesting idea
that he would like to investigate.  Eventually Mark sent me and others a
long letter (multiple pages) with a cost-benefit analysis focusing on
finances (he's an economist).  To summarize greatly, the project was not
economically viable partly because they had opened campuses in Qatar,
Silicon Valley, and were in the process of opening one in Singapore.  He
included analyses of cost per student, and related issues such as cost of
faculty.  The point is that it was a serious consideration but eventually
rejected.  There were many more details that I have left out.


Frank Wimberly

My memoir:

My scientific publications:

Phone (505) 670-9918

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020, 1:43 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:

> Nick writes:
> < In other words, are the ills you identify inherent to all human
> institutions, or really only inherent to government ones.  Would it be
> better if CMU put a campus here? >
> Why would CMU do that unless it was to 1) have a pool of experienced
> people to hire, or 2) attach to government (defense) contracts in the area,
> or 3) a reasonable expectation there would be lots of people paying tuition
> (directly or indirectly)?
> Marcus
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