[FRIAM] Murdoch and Trump

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 10:37:43 EST 2020

My intuition matches yours. But I was also including animals like social insects, bees, termites, etc. And I think it would be reasonable to scale this all the way down to prokaryotes. The point being that the extent to which an organism can *model* the world is mostly limited and extremely limited by the majority of us.

The over-estimation of the presence of, power of, and extent of any glob of cognition is a problem. This is where I think people like Deutsch (and many from the rationalist community) get it wrong. Because they're super smart, they tend to over-estimate the role of cognition.

On 1/22/20 7:29 AM, Pieter Steenekamp wrote:
> The distribution of a small number of big ones and very large number small ones (like in a scale free network with a power law distribution) is an emerging property of a complex system where agents interact with each other. I don’t think human intellect distribution falls in this category. My guess is that human intelligence approximately follows a normal distribution? I think there are many average intelligent people on earth, few morons and geniuses? 

☣ uǝlƃ

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