[FRIAM] Santa Fe Plaza Riot

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Jun 4 00:10:56 EDT 2020

Jon writes:

< Voter turn-out, similarly, seems to rely on nation and imagined communities<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagined_community>. >

If a candidate says “I will reallocate police funding to public safety” a voter can decide if that is code for a leftist imagined community that they might identify with, or if it will help or hurt them in concrete ways.   There are some that will vote based on an imagined group identity and aren’t directly impacted by how tax revenue is allocated.    Others won’t vote at all because they don’t believe any policy change will help them or because they are disenfranchised.   Getting a clear signal to them about what’s in it for them, and giving them the opportunity to vote, is harder than throwing around a lot of tribal BS.

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