[FRIAM] the Snarking of the Bandersnatch

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Jun 4 20:07:55 EDT 2020

Glen -

You have taken good humored sarcasm (Snark*) to "the next level"
(another modern idiom I am just coming to recognize) here.  It feels
like you've captured FriAM-at-large pretty well here... or at least the
arc of our discussions-of-late.   Not only the discussions, but to some
extent the "nut" of some of them.

Your spoof of an idea to ontologize the fruits of our discussions and
the metaphorize them across domain-specific ontologies comes way too
close to at least one holy grail of a project or two I've worked on
(thus my references to a "Faceted Ontology".  I'm not saying your snark
is empty, nor that the holy grail I refer to was entirely unachievable,
mostly just appreciating how well you nailed it here, and perhaps (en
caricature?) captured some of what Nick has been wishing and hoping for...

Carry On,

 - Steve

> Ha! And a boon would be we can transform it arbitrarily onto any other
> domain-specific ontology. So, whatever is written about, say,
> evolutionary biology could be mapped ... [cough] metaphored ... into a
> paper about, say, holography! If we can design a GANto well-fit the
> maps, then whatever "theory" we end up with will provide us with
> _/*the*/_ explanation of consciousnessand solve the hard problem!
> Man this technology thing is cool. Whatever was I thinking. >8^D
> On 6/4/20 4:19 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> I think there should be a XML-based ontology format to encode our
>> /important/ conversations as a formal system.   And not mere CSS3,
>> there should be a whole XSL pipeline to generate Nick’s book. 
>> Everyone *follow the rules* or your e-mails will not validate and
>> *will be rejected* by the mail server!
> -- 
> ☣ uǝlƃ
> - .... . -..-. . ...- --- .-.. ..- - .. --- -. -..-. .-- .. .-.. .-.. -..-. -... . -..-. .-.. .. ...- . -..-. ... - .-. . .- -- . -..
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