[FRIAM] millenarianism

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Sat Jun 6 17:46:48 EDT 2020

SG -
>     Davew writes:
>     My rationale for the millennarian wrapper around my reply was not
>     for comparison. It was a bad attempt to use the Nacerima technique
>     to make "the familiar strange" in a way that allows people to
>     become aware of that which they take for granted or to which they
>     are usually blind - in the way that most people are unaware of the
>     culture within which they are embedded.
> FWIW, I very much appreciated the flip and was surprised it got a rise.
> Relatedly, I have used a Anihc Technique when discussing with my
> family on the over-reach of China's military and Secret Police outside
> of China. I use the 2013 case of how China's Ministry of State
> Security (MSS) pursued the organizers of the2013 Tiananmen Square
> Attack.
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Tiananmen_Square_attack> The
> "Uighur 8" terrorists escaped Xinjiang and ultimately made it to
> Mexico to sneak across the border near Nogales and holed up in a small
> compound near Patagonia, AZ. The Chinese MSS launched a secret drone
> strike killing the 8. Unfortunately, there was a wedding going on at
> the Circle Z Ranch <https://www.circlez.com/> where 3 Americans were
> killed and 12 injured. The renewal of the TPA negotiations were going
> on and Obama and the CIA covered this up as a fake propane tank
> explosion negotiations on track. Fox News and Breittbart have a
> longstanding FOIA request for AmeriGas response records but this has
> been stonewalled and redacted for 7 years trying to uncover this
> story. Shouldn't China be held accountable to those American Families?
> How could Obama allow China to get away with launching a drone attack
> on sovereign US soil?

First... I don't know the term Anihc Technique and my Google Fu is too
weak today to find it apparently?   Inform me?   Or did you just punk us
(me) with a made-up but authoritatively esoteric-sounding term?   You've
punked me before and I'm sure you will do it again.  Buh!  Did you know
that "gullible" is not in the dictionary?

Wow!  That is really close to where I own a piece of land where I have
been building my "bolthole" <http://www.caneloproject.com/> to prepare
for the Apocalypto.   I can't believe I didn't know about this!    I
guess I'm going to have to add anti-drone SAMs to my arsenal...  or step
up my biohacking to re-introduce Pteradactyl Genes into Bald Eagles  to
"capture them for salvage/re-use".  And I recommend taking the time to
build a biogas reactor as an alternative to Propane... (because

> Here's the Chinese Account of the Story:
> 同志们,当然,中国没有在亚利桑那州进行无人驾驶飞机攻击,我将其用作美国在也门使用无人机的类比
> <https://www.hrw.org/report/2014/02/19/wedding-became-funeral/us-drone-attack-marriage-procession-yemen>。
Punked again!

- SS

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