[FRIAM] millenarianism

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Sat Jun 6 19:59:30 EDT 2020

Frank -
> Am I reading this right?  The attack actually happened in Yemen and
> was carried out by the US but went unnoticed.  The setting was changed
> to Arizona with Chinese perpetrators to demonstrate what a difference
> that would have made.
> ?
Thus "punked"...
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020, 3:47 PM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com
> <mailto:sasmyth at swcp.com>> wrote:
>     SG -
>>         Davew writes:
>>         My rationale for the millennarian wrapper around my reply was
>>         not for comparison. It was a bad attempt to use the Nacerima
>>         technique to make "the familiar strange" in a way that allows
>>         people to become aware of that which they take for granted or
>>         to which they are usually blind - in the way that most people
>>         are unaware of the culture within which they are embedded.
>>     FWIW, I very much appreciated the flip and was surprised it got a
>>     rise.
>>     Relatedly, I have used a Anihc Technique when discussing with my
>>     family on the over-reach of China's military and Secret Police
>>     outside of China. I use the 2013 case of how China's Ministry of
>>     State Security (MSS) pursued the organizers of the2013 Tiananmen
>>     Square Attack.
>>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Tiananmen_Square_attack> The
>>     "Uighur 8" terrorists escaped Xinjiang and ultimately made it to
>>     Mexico to sneak across the border near Nogales and holed up in a
>>     small compound near Patagonia, AZ. The Chinese MSS launched a
>>     secret drone strike killing the 8. Unfortunately, there was a
>>     wedding going on at the Circle Z Ranch <https://www.circlez.com/>
>>     where 3 Americans were killed and 12 injured. The renewal of the
>>     TPA negotiations were going on and Obama and the CIA covered this
>>     up as a fake propane tank explosion negotiations on track. Fox
>>     News and Breittbart have a longstanding FOIA request for AmeriGas
>>     response records but this has been stonewalled and redacted for 7
>>     years trying to uncover this story. Shouldn't China be held
>>     accountable to those American Families? How could Obama allow
>>     China to get away with launching a drone attack on sovereign US soil?
>     First... I don't know the term Anihc Technique and my Google Fu is
>     too weak today to find it apparently?   Inform me?   Or did you
>     just punk us (me) with a made-up but authoritatively
>     esoteric-sounding term?   You've punked me before and I'm sure you
>     will do it again.  Buh!  Did you know that "gullible" is not in
>     the dictionary?
>     Wow!  That is really close to where I own a piece of land where I
>     have been building my "bolthole" <http://www.caneloproject.com/>
>     to prepare for the Apocalypto.   I can't believe I didn't know
>     about this!    I guess I'm going to have to add anti-drone SAMs to
>     my arsenal...  or step up my biohacking to re-introduce
>     Pteradactyl Genes into Bald Eagles  to "capture them for
>     salvage/re-use".  And I recommend taking the time to build a
>     biogas reactor as an alternative to Propane... (because Apocalypse!).
>>     Here's the Chinese Account of the Story:
>>     同志们,当然,中国没有在亚利桑那州进行无人驾驶飞机攻击,我将其用作美国在也门使用无人机的类比
>>     <https://www.hrw.org/report/2014/02/19/wedding-became-funeral/us-drone-attack-marriage-procession-yemen>。
>     Punked again!
>     - SS
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