[FRIAM] Thoughts on the Floyd protests

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Tue Jun 9 22:14:38 EDT 2020

John Oliver, several days ago, offered some information on the subject at a time when I had still seen none of any interpretive substance in the NYT:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf4cea5oObY <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf4cea5oObY>
I have since seen a couple of articles that make an effort to sketch what is really under discussion, and to estimate how much of the sound-bite output is shorthand for serious discussions, and which parts are bandwagoning, posturing, or noise.

There seems to be an ocean of material out there, whether books, video programs, or articles, that tries to get at elements of causation that tie our current system together in this dysfunctional tension, and at least a part of that work seems to be produced intelligently and in good faith.  There should be plenty for thoughtful people to join into, to try to get clearer on what things can be changed unilaterally, which things can only be changed jointly if they are to be robust, and in that way what a design would look like to get from where we are to a country that was not so savage in so many ways.


> On Jun 10, 2020, at 10:20 AM, Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:
> Of all public services that one is about last on my list.   
> For officers that get laid off, they can go work for private security firms and they'll likely make more money.  
> Not seeing the downside at the moment.
> Marcus
> On 6/9/20, 4:28 PM, "Friam on behalf of Jon Zingale" <friam-bounces at redfish.com on behalf of jonzingale at gmail.com> wrote:
>    Like many of you and from an armchair, I am watching protests in
>    the streets. I am watching calls for the defunding of our police, and
>    surprisingly painful responses on all sides. The whole affair leaves
>    me to wonder:
>    1. Will the efforts to defund the police eventually meet with efforts
>    to build private militias? Will the future of policing in this country
>    follow a path similar to the shift from public to private postal service?
>    If so, what will accountability be?
>    2. While there appear to be some videos of police chiefs talking to
>    crowds through megaphones, should I expect to see interviews with
>    police on podcasts or in other more intimate domains? Are commentators
>    making a mistake in treating the thoughts and opinions of police officers,
>    as individuals, as if they were swarming black boxes?
>    3. Protests are announced with more than a day's notice. Police,
>    it would seem, are aware and anticipating participation in these public
>    events. What do the text messages between police officers look like in
>    the days leading up to some of the more horrific scenes? 
>    4. Are any of us good enough friends with a police officer such that we
>    could invite one to talk about these events on an upcoming Friday?
>    I cannot help but be upset by what I am seeing, and yet there do not
>    seem to be meaningful steps taken by those that can affect transparency
>    or promote sanity.
>    Jon
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