[FRIAM] consciousness conundrum

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Mon Jun 15 19:06:39 EDT 2020

Few of you will have heard of a K-Hole.  It is an experience reported by users of Special-K (ketamine) in high doses. The most common description of the experience is "ego death." Electroencephalographs record a "complete" cessation of brain activity for several minutes and it appears that the "ego death" occurs when the brain waves stop. The instruments also capture "unusual" brain wave patterns that correspond to the hallucinatory phase of the Ketamine experience.

Language presents a huge problem here, but — it seems as if an 'X-consciousness' is aware of the demise of 'ego-consciousness' when brain activity ceases. Stated differently: 'ego-consciousness' is a side-effect/consequence of brain activity; but 'X-consciousness' is not.

Scientists at Cambridge have replicated the "unusual" and the "cessation" brain wave phenomena in sheep, but sheep are notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to reporting internal experiences.

Special-K is not in my wheelhouse, so I will not be able to provide a personal case study.


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