[FRIAM] alternative response

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Tue Jun 16 11:40:48 EDT 2020

Glen writes:

"5) That cohesive sensing is identical to the compositional machinery in (2) above. There's a storage/memory to that compositional machinery that can remember the historical trace the mesh took ... the "choices" made by the mesh. So, the NEXT time your mesh is on a similar trajectory, your compositional machinery will be slightly biased by your history.

That memory of lost opportunities is what we call free will."

Let's say a person is faced with a decision to 1) pay, 2) report, 3) intimidate, or 4) kill a blackmailer without much in the way of predictive ability on what will happen if she takes any option.   Every option has a different kind of risk.   For the sake of argument let's say the probability of the very next thing is exactly degenerate at a probability of 0.25.   One of those four things will happen, and by construction there is no way to know or control which one.  Then that thing happens, and the formation of that memory regarding the lost other three options will follow all of the same probabilistic rules.  We could build a simulation of it, and the simulation won't be able to defy its programming.


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