[FRIAM] alternative response

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 17:42:04 EDT 2020

As for Bayesian models of the mind se Glymour's book "The Mind's Arrows"


Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020, 3:37 PM Jon Zingale <jonzingale at gmail.com> wrote:

> An attempt to steelman via wingman:
> The idea that Glen is proposing is to highlight a sweet spot in one's
> experience
> where unfamiliarity competes with habit. Glen advocates for bracketing
> questions
> of a prime mover or that which happens in pathological limits. Instead, he
> wishes
> to constrain the scope of free will to a question of free versus bound with
> respect
> to some arbitrary component/scale/neighborhood (the free will zone). I will
> try not
> to fight this as I still think of this interpretation of *free will* as
> being a discussion
> of will, determined or not. For instance, I may be willful and determined.
> The value
> I see in Glen's perspective is that we can develop a grammar for discussing
> deliberate
> action, perhaps involving a Bayesian update rule to an otherwise
> evaporative
> memory
> or local foresight. He is advocating to not concern ourselves with whether
> or not
> Charles Bukowski was *predestined* to be a drunk, but rather with
> determining
> where the *choice* to do otherwise may have been.
> --
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