[FRIAM] GISTS.docx WAS RE: alternative response

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 22:29:32 EDT 2020

Very close! But I'm not *identifying* uncertainty with freedom. Freedom is a function of uncertainty. The freedom is the extent to which you can modify what happens NEXT time. It just so happens that if there was a lot of uncertainty the first time, then there's more opportunity to change the probability distribution. It's that "nostalgia", the ability to modify how you'll react next time, the learning you went through, that I'm identifying with freedom.

It's important to read what I'm saying as amenable to BOTH those who believe and don't believe in 'free will'. My intention is not to obviate one position or the other, only to construct a hypothesis that can be falsified.

On June 17, 2020 6:10:17 PM PDT, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
>Here you seem to be identifying 'freedom' with uncertainty (in the
>information theoretical space) or even "degrees of freedom" in the
>statistical sense.  Am I getting closer?  I like the idea that the
>sense of
>free will is isomorphic with regret.  Please see FROST
><https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken>  on
>point. The experience of free will is a sort of nostalgia. 

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