[FRIAM] falsifying the lost opportunity updating mechanism for free will

Jon Zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 12:31:47 EDT 2020

Glen's Claim:
a) a mesh of parallel processes evolving in time
b) each process has a local branching structure
c) these branches (and the events that walk them) compose
d) that composition is monitored and remembered within some scope
e) that monitor/memory is used by a controller to edit the branching

Heraclitus says: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's
not the same river and he's not the same man."

>From the Eulerian perspective, fluid flowing through a river delta has
many of the characteristics of Glen's theory. We can imagine the river
delta as a mesh of composed local branching structures, whose *events*
are the ensemble particles of the flow (a,b,c). The flow *monitors* the
river delta directly, it experiences the changes in gradients and shear
The flow *memories* the river delta by acting on the delta directly, it
sediment at one stage only to deposit it at a further stage (d2). Through
time, the flow's monitoring and remembering *edits* the branching structure
of the river delta, giving rise to phenomena like distributaries and
to our *free will*-discussion delta switching (e).
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