[FRIAM] falsifying the lost opportunity updating mechanism for free will

Jon Zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 12:54:47 EDT 2020

Glen: "2) dampening edits or negative reinforcement"

I am positing that negative feedback also exists in such a system and is
partly responsible for the phenomenon of delta switching. Different flows
in branches can be construed as probabilities, but with the additional
of sedimentary deposition, which can supply a dampening mechanism over
branches. Perhaps the key to completing the picture is to note the potential
between the source and mouth of the river is effectively constant.
The sedimentary deposition has a similar effect on the flow that memristors
have in physical neural nets. I guess my point is that *feedback loops*
need not be understood in the abstract as explicit loops on a graph.
The materials and the physics have the property without the river's flow
being explicitly a loop.

ps. I had considered changing the word claim to axiom or constraint or
something else but figured I was spending too much time stressing over
pedantry :) 

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