[FRIAM] falsifying the lost opportunity updating mechanism for free will

Jon Zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 17:22:39 EDT 2020

Yes, exogenous is better. It seems like we are in agreement that something
higher-order is needed, an algebra or otherwise. In regards to truncation, I
am again thinking about the Gisin paper and staying open to the idea that we
wouldn't need to amend the model but rather the underlying logic to
accommodate. Whatever model we choose, a truncation property is likely to be
unsatisfying over a boolean topos and without developing a concept like
computational observability. For now, I am thinking of truncation
interpretation as a separate problem.

I will have to think more carefully about your point regarding distributions
and the Markov property. I am not sure that the model is Markovian in that
there is memory bound up in the stigmergy.

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