[FRIAM] Shorthands for Brain-stuff

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Sun Oct 4 15:59:41 EDT 2020

Nick writes:

< Jones is accused of a terrible crime which requires forming and acting on an intention.  The police bungle the arrest and jones is shot dead.   Jones’s wife sues the police, claiming the underlying crime could not have been performed by Jones because he was incapable of forming an intention.  Since Jones is dead, the simple test procedure cannot be performed. So Jones’s wife demands an autopsy, where it is found that indeed, Jones had developed a cancerous lesion in l. teleonomicus.  Judgment is made in favor if the wife. >

Still haven’t addressed the dualism in your l.teleonomicus argument.  You’ve just compartmentalized it as a magic black box.

The wife may have case because the cops bungled the arrest.   They don’t determine guilt or innocence.


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