[FRIAM] Trump as a victim

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Wed Oct 7 18:29:34 EDT 2020

Gotta love watching Trump "crack the whip" by tweeting that he's ending
COVID relief negotiations, watching the market dip, then implying to
turn them back on and watching it bounce back up.   What a power trip! 
Imagine that while on Steroids!   I've never taken Steroids, what do I
know...   but it sounds like it might be a really heady experience...
next thing you know he'll be dating his daughter too?    Gotta love the
poor little imp.

On 10/7/20 4:08 PM, Prof David West wrote:
> AMA should get credit for what they do that is creditworthy.
> They should also be chastised, to a lesser but somewhat lesser degree, for the harm caused when they assume the role of a "union" protecting members at all cost. "Bad" doctors are more likely to be incompetent or impaired than evil. That said, there is a lot of similarity between what police unions do to protect  those who should be drummed out and doctors that should lose licenses.
> In my opinion only.
> davew
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020, at 3:40 PM, jon zingale wrote:
>> I think I agree about the AMA deserving credit for the very good work they
>> perform. They train very good doctors. Since in life it appears we only get
>> to perform "Quality Assurance" in production, I am dismayed to see that we
>> have uncovered more than a few bugs in our democratic process recently. I
>> cannot help but wonder with what probability a quiet, thoughtful,
>> compassionate, homely, and capable individual is predicted to be president,
>> or with what frequency one can expect the nation to need one.
>> --
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