[FRIAM] labels

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 17:20:16 EDT 2020

Yeah, that rhetoric and Barry's suggestion that threats can work imply, to me, that Harris should have answered Pence with "HELL YES, we will restructure SCOTUS if you confirm Barrett before inauguration!" But I worry that Biden is too centrist to actually follow through with the threat. It makes me wonder how strong Harris' voice would be in the new admin.

On 10/8/20 1:48 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
> I don't like the language around "packing the court".   I don't think
> "reconfiguring the court" is the same as "packing the court".   Clearly,
> the (not so) loyal opposition to the Dems *would* pack the court...  add
> 6 more justices and make sure they are ALL conservative leaners.   Pete
> Buttegeig was the first to speak of this in my earshot, and HIS version
> sounded pretty reasonable...   reconfigure (expand) it from 9 to 15 but
> *balance* the Left/Right ideology (I think he proposed 5/5) and then
> leave it to the Justices themselves to fill the remaining 5 (through
> some arcane process?).    What the Republicans have been building up to
> for decades is "packing the courts".   

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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