[FRIAM] now it's personal

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 11:07:23 EDT 2020

Exactly! As THE canonical targetless model, cellular automata present a problem for those of us who reject postmodernism out of hand. I try not to throw that in CA-loving-PM-trashers faces, though, because the modernists are easily triggered.

Yeah, I've watched a few Rogan episodes. I stopped when I started thinking he's abdicated any sort of curation/editor role. He treats the INcredible the same as he treats the credible. He has the same problem we see in Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter. They (Rogan, Facebook, Twitter) present themselves as neutral, simply a platform with no responsibility for their content, no editorial responsibility. So what if Joe seriously engages racists ... or people who claim their diet of only salt and meat cured their cancer ... or whatever. "You're free to believe them or not!" Then the next episode hosts a serious person with serious credibility. Pfft. If I want trash, I won't look to Rogan. If I want quality content, I won't look to Rogan. To each her own. But self-policing, self-governance, is important to me. If I see evidence of him *trying* to curate his content, as we've seen Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube *try* (and fail), then I might be more receptive.

On 10/13/20 11:17 AM, jon zingale wrote:
> "But I suppose, like the targetless model, the narrative itself can be the
> object of study even if the only substance is the narrative itself"
> Careful, this kind of thinking maybe a gateway to postmodernism >8^D
> Rogan does a fairly good job of finding diverse voices, even when he cannot
> embody the perspectives. The long-form format also offers a lot. Some guests
> can take 45 minutes to warm up before offering real gems. For instance, the
> Mike Tyson interview offers rare insights into the mind of a champion
> fighter:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcPUoxTvw5g&t=1s&ab_channel=PowerfulJRE
> The podcast is as much ethnography as anything else. Still, the Brian
> Muraresku interview is quite good exactly because Rogan gets out of the way
> and allows Muraresku to do his "lawyer trained on the classics" thing.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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