[FRIAM] bad covid story

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Tue Dec 21 15:32:36 EST 2021

Nice.   I propose RFIDing people with their vaccination status.   Like chipping a dog.    Wait, it should be visible like a tattoo and radioactive for full measure!  Seriously, don’t let them into the hospital.

> On Dec 21, 2021, at 12:20 PM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> Glen,
> Yuck!
> Nick 
> Nick Thompson
> ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com
> https://wordpress.clarku.edu/nthompson/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of glen
> Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 1:19 PM
> To: friam at redfish.com
> Subject: [FRIAM] bad covid story
> https://old.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/rakxun/my_career_of_treati
> ng_patients_has_ended/
>> After more than three decades as a physician, the Q maniacs have succeeded
> in driving me out of providing care to patients. I, like many of my
> colleagues, am moving into medically-adjacent work, where we can continue to
> apply our training and decades off knowledge without ever having to come in
> contact with sick people.
>> I've been able to deal with the years of patients who attended Google
> Medical School, and the hours wasted explaining things such as why cinnamon
> cannot be used to treat diabetes, or that garlic and beetroot can't treat
> HIV. And Lord save me from essential oils.
>> COVID and Q finally proved to be the one of amateur "experts" that was too
> much for me. The horrific deaths are beyond what you might imagine. They
> emerge almost unrecognizable to their families. Since June, I have never
> seen a horrible case of someone who was vaccinated. I have seen people
> struggling to breathe through lungs that have hardened to near uselessness,
> begging us in their ignorance to give them the vaccine now. We can tell,
> almost without fail, which ones will die when they come through the door of
> the ICU, but we do everything in our power to keep them alive - BIPAP, ECMO,
> ventilator - knowing we are stretching out the inevitable. We use paralytics
> with ECMO and ventilators, then ease them off to see if they can function.
> And as the drugs wane, the look of terror emerges, the tears. We try to calm
> them, to swallow our desire to scream at them: This is your fault! This
> didn't have to happen! Often, their spouse or their uncle or neighbor is
> nearby, dying along with them. And we work hard for those rare cases where
> we can pull them back from the edge.
>> I could deal with all of that. What I can no longer handle is the
> screaming, not from the patients, but from the families. They are not
> screaming in anguish, or in recognition of how their foolishness has led
> them to this point. No, they are screaming at me. Because, you see, I am
> part of the global conspiracy to commit genocide. If only I would give
> 10,000 mg of Vitamin C - even though the body can only absorb a maximum of
> 100 mg a day, with the rest creating the world's most expensive urine - they
> would be saved. Or hydroxychloroquine. Or ivermectin. Those have never been
> studied, they assure me, and when I tell them they have been, they snap that
> I don't know what I'm talking about. I want, oh god I want, to tell them
> that if we are the ones responsible for killing their loved ones, then why
> the hell have they brought them to the hospital? Why throw them into our
> clutches? I know the answer: They know it is all lies. But their egos are so
> huge they cant bring themselves to admit it.
>> My breaking point came three weeks ago. I dealt with a particularly
> horrible case. This was a husband and father, 38 years old. A wife, two
> daughters, one son. All of age to get vaccinated, none vaccinated. If you
> could have seen his face, and the ravages left by both COVID and the time he
> spent prone on his stomach. An enormous clot kept reforming in his leg, and
> we had been forced to amputate his foot in hopes of keeping him alive. When
> he was awake, the look of terror in his eyes, the crying, the pain. It was
> nothing new. But the begging, over and over, "Don't let me die." And "Give
> me the vaccine." All I could tell him is "We won't let you" - although I
> never said we might not have any choice in the matter. And I told him,
> repeatedly, it was too late for the vaccine.
>> He begged me to bring in his family. A nurse called them, because they had
> never come to the hospital. They refused to wear masks, and so would not be
> admitted. The nurse told the wife that her husband was likely dying, and was
> begging to see them. All she cared about was masks. She would only come if
> she and her daughters didn't have to wear any.
>> The nurse came to me and told me the wife wanted to speak to me. I got on
> the phone and she ordered me to cure him with ivermectin and vitamin C & D.
> I explained to her, those do not work, they have been extensively studied
> and the amount of ivermectin needed to treat even mild COVID would kill a
> human being. Once again, I was told I was ignorant. I asked her to come down
> to the hospital, to bring her children, to at least wait outside. Somehow,
> she agreed.
>> The nurses were all busy, and I took over the role they usually perform,
> comforting the dying. I sat beside the man's bed. Through tears, he rasped
> out sounds I could vaguely understand as a question. I guessed at what he
> was asking, and assured him that yes, his family was coming. He was so
> frightened, and I could tell he knew death was unavoidable. I'm not
> religious, but I knew he was, and I talked about the comfort of Jesus as I
> held his hand. About a minute later, he coded. We tried to save him, but
> there was nothing to be done. He died.
>> Twenty minutes later, I heard from a nurse that the family was here, that
> they had made a ruckus down in the lobby demanding to be let upstairs
> without masks, and had been thrown out of the hospital. I consulted with a
> few colleagues who agreed to cover me so that i could speak to them in the
> parking lot. I took the elevator down, and asked security to point out the
> family that refused to wear masks. Fortunately, they had not left.
>> I stepped outside, went to the wife, and identified myself. I told her
> that I was sorry, that we had done everything we could, but her husband had
> passed a few minutes earlier. I did not manage to get the words of the
> sentence fully out of my mouth when I felt the fist strike my face and heard
> the screamed words "You murderer!" I fell backwards, tripped, and plopped
> onto the pavement, the back off my head striking asphalt. I vaguely heard
> the words being screamed about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and god
> knows what else. I heard "you could have saved him if you listened!" I
> tasted blood from the top of my lip. It took a moment to know it was seeping
> from my nose, which she had broken. My mask was getting wet, and thus
> useless. Security grabbed her. They were getting ready to call the police,
> but I knew if they did, I would become the next national target for the Q
> maniacs. I told them to just put her in her car. I wasn't going to press
> charges. I went back to the hospital.
>> I started looking for a new job the next day. I will never treat a patient
> again.
>> Thank God.
> -- 
> glen
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