[FRIAM] Tangled up in our own 2nd Amendment? Bleak Lives Manner?

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 14:42:35 EST 2021

Yeah, I'm in the middle of an argument with one of my conservative friends here about guns. I claimed last night that, as I've said on this list before, that *material cause* is a valid target for action. I.e. guns *do* cause death even if efficient cause is more obvious. He trotted out the old saw that it's not feasible in the US. I mentioned that a bill was just introduced in Olympia that would ban guns at capitol grounds protests. It's not only feasible, it's being done right now, right here. He then responded that people will simply conceal them. Rather than go down the tangent about concealing rifles (many of the anti-mask protesters bring their rifles to the protests), I simply said that's fine if they conceal them. [⛧] If you look at the only hard data we have on guns, i.e. the concealed carry licensing, at *max* 50% of gun owners have gotten their CCLs in Oregon (I don't know about WA). He mistook me to mean that exactly 50% have a CCL and challenged my numbers. Again, rather than argue, I simply said I'd check the numbers again and get back to him.

Well, I was surprised to learn that Clackastan may be relatively low in CCL density:


at least compared to Grant, Union, Baker, etc.

[⛧] Even if non-CCL owners then conceal their handguns at capitol protests, that's still a mechanism by which to identify and prosecute them, perhaps giving us a way to seize all the guns from the idiots among us and prevent them from ever legally buying any more guns. So, it helps treat the disease either way. And, frankly, I'm less concerned about concealed weapons anyway. It's the "wearing your violence on your sleeve" with your rifle that or your gun strap that's really the problem. The open carry idiots remind me of Otto from a Fish Called Wanda.

On 1/7/21 10:47 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Clackamas county, proud home of Tonya Harding and me.   Uniquely situated as a non-prosperous exurb and gateway to the hill people and conservative farmland owners.   But nothing like the eastern parts of Oregon.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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