[FRIAM] patriot hackers, again

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Tue Jan 12 15:58:13 EST 2021

To me it an empirical question of whether many flee and give up when they believe the activity is criminal or taboo.   
If it is just a mass collective behavior that takes on a momentum of its own, then the FIRST thing to do is to stop the behavior.  Make it hard to communicate and deflate the mania.   One the noise has subsided then law enforcement can start working through the hard core set, one by one.

Sure there will be covert mechanisms for communication that are employed.   But I posit that most people just don't have the energy to live in the shadows, along the lines of your remark about needing to feel like they belong.  They need to have a way to take advantage of civilization, like you say taking flights to and from D.C.

With the highly partisan environment, doxing seems less likely to work.  You'll be among sympathizers.

When rocks start coming through their living room windows, then they will know they really have a problem.


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From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of u?l? ???
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 12:43 PM
To: friam at redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] patriot hackers, again

My inclination is along the lines of the anarchists here in the PNW, to profile and dox them to their communities. If we've learned one thing from those apologetic trolls, it's that when they come face-to-face with their targets, both the troll and the victims experience epiphany. The troll realizes that words do matter and the victims realize that *anyone* can be radicalized.

I know there's the risk of some (many?) of them digging in their heels. But even the most hardened supremacist or ideologue has trouble suppressing the social need to feel they belong.

Of course, some of the doxing will only come if they're charged with something. The ones whining about being put on the no-fly list before they could get home is a good example. So, charging them with something may be required for an adequate doxing.

Re: pulling the plug -- 


It probably would have been better to enlist Amazon to keep Parler open as a honeypot. But we still have Gab, which is (kindasorta) distributed.

On 1/12/21 11:29 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> What is the right question to ask of this data?   Who are the influencers?  Who creates new memes?
> Pulling the plug seems to be a pretty good solution, actually.   Force social distancing, and for similar reasons.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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