[FRIAM] The+Jim+Rutt+Show

thompnickson2 at gmail.com thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 12:16:21 EST 2021


Thanks for the dope-slap.  Sorry. My bad.  Mind you,  I am still troubled by Libertarians, because, having lived so long in academia, I have seen the baroque incrustations that develop in academic bureaucracies. Bureaucracies are like beautiful and elaborate coral reefs that, hidden under the surface of placid water, can be such a peril to navigation.   On the other hand, I don't doubt the enormous benefits of the non-zero-sum gains that can be captured by cooperation on a large scale.  


Nick Thompson
ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of u?l? ???
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 9:59 AM
To: friam at redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] The+Jim+Rutt+Show

[sigh] I'll never get that time back. I regret that you've now convinced me to listen to 2 Jim Rutt episodes. I've completely forgotten what the first one was about. And it's likely I'll forget this one, too. Rutt seems like a gentler Joe Rogan, who facilitates the insane ranting of his guests with so little curation as to make it useless *unless* you're *excited* by the people talking. ("Excited" in a good or bad way.) But I suppose I should give Rutt more of my ear time before I come to any conclusions. So I've added it to my feed.

Yarvin [ε] is one of the founders of the alt-right, a right wing "intellectual" troll whose sheer (admitted) intellect encourages him (and his hapless victims) toward the same ambiguous over-statement and over-confidence Trump has used so well. His con-man facade is obvious if you follow his speech/text patterns. To find the details he glosses, all you need to do is focus on where he laughs at his own jokes and veers hyperbolic in his claims. His uses of "fvck" and "sh¡t" are good places to start.

Good examples of his trolling can be found at Scott Aaronson's site: https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=3167#comment-1732226

Credibility is about being careful in one's language and actions. Don't be fooled by those who throw tons of spaghetti at the wall. Of course if you throw more spaghetti, then more of your spaghetti will stick. Yarvin is, truly, incredible. Of course, just because you can't trust a con-man does *not* mean con-men aren't useful or that they shouldn't exist. It takes a village. And every village needs its Jesters and gimpy shamen.

[ε] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment

On 1/17/21 7:26 PM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> I am hoping to entrap one or more of you into listening to 
> https://www.jimruttshow.com/currents-curtis-yarvin/ <https://www.jimruttshow.com/currents-curtis-yarvin/> and helping me to resolve my ambivalence about it.  Yarvin seems to be some sort of a libertarian, an attribution I make from his smug dismissiveness and his inability to speak without making reference to bowel and sexual function in every sentence.  Also, his joy in goading us BHL’s by such assertions as, “FDR was a much worse liar than Donald Trump.”  On the other hand, his diagnosis of the deep state and conflicts of interest that bind “experts’ are deeply troubling to me.  He seems to make an argument for authoritarian government structures, praising the organization of the Manhattan project with that of NSF.   Thus his take on FDR is that he was not a successful democratic leader but a skillful autocrat.  He argues plausibly that the covid pandemic was the result of a US funded program Chinese research program on SARS-related bat viruses when the infected ferrets there were working on were sold to the wet-market by the person who was supposed to euthanize them.  The idea here is that the SARS program was continued, not because it was still needed, but because of the institutional and financial momentum provided by the US government for the Chinese Research.  I would be much more convinced by what he is saying if he didn’t take so much pleasure in saying it.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ
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