[FRIAM] Rotary Cell Phone (Description and Build)

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 11:38:40 EST 2021

What's missing in the audialization of serialized data like DNA is some sort of state space reconstruction ... kindasorta like protein [un]folding. What I'd *love* to see is a piece-wise serial unwinding into, say, PureData components that can be taken apart in chunks and reassembled at will. So, rather than serializing a whole genome, we could play God and genetically engineer a new tune. What might it sound like when a ribosome constructs spike proteins from the vaccines? Or when an immune cell grabs it?

Visual/spatial thinkers get a big (false) kick out of cartoon visualizations of such things. We sequential thinkers are left to wallow in our imaginations.

On 1/20/21 8:13 AM, jon zingale wrote:
> Circuit bending is so wonderful! A well-placed diode in my *big muff* pedal
> has turned it into some other monster altogether. Phosphenes, I didn't know
> the name for that phenomenon! I did some recent audio rendering of DNA, and
> as a couple of people have pointed out it isn't yet listenable enough to be
> called music. Still, the software is general enough that one can pass it any
> DNA one chooses.
> https://soundcloud.com/jeejaws-for-jawaas/pandemic-peptide-symphony-in-a-maj

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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